Saturday, November 29, 2008

Vineyard Calvinist Top Ten List

Today I thought I'd list the top ten books that I have read that have profoundly influenced me. These are books that have shaped my thinking in areas like theology, life, church, and hermeneutics. So without further adieu, here is my top ten in descending order.

10. The Quest for the Radical Middle: A History of the Vineyard, by Bill Jackson

I just finished up this one last week and loved it! Jackson takes the reader almost literally step-by-step through the Vineyard Movement's history from its background in the 1960s to 1999 when Todd Hunter led the Vineyard. My only complaint is that this book is long overdue for a revision. It only goes up to 1999 and other significant themes have impacted the Vineyard since like Bert Waggoner taking over for Todd Hunter, the emerging church, and the egalitarian controversy. It still is an excellent book and every Vineyard church member should read it.

9. End Time Delusions, by Steve Wohlberg

This book is key to my transition from the pre-tribulation rapture view to the post-trib view. It also opened me up to the possibility that futurism and preterism aren't the only interpretive options for biblical prophecy and the book of Revelation. One knock on the book is that Wohlberg is apparently a Seventh-Day Adventist and he takes a bit of a hostile tone toward those who disagree with him, particularly dispensationalists, almost consigning them to hell. That is not an overstatement. Also, while dismantling both futurism and preterism, his historicism is regrettably not a better alternative. But it did open me up to eventually embracing idealism.

8. The Cross-Centered Life, by C.J. Mahaney

This is a classic, and a very quick and easy read. Mahaney very deftly deals with issues that many Christians face like legalism and condemnation by taking us back to the cross. This is reformed soteriology at its best.

7. Some Messianic Jews Say: Messianic Judaism is Not Christianity, by Stan Telchin

This book was another quick and easy read. Telchin basically said in that book what I had been thinking for quite some time. He lays out some of the problems in the Messianic movement (legalism, elitism, divisiveness, etc...)while still appreciating its strengths. Although Telchin apparently has some serious family problems that have opened up questions as to his credibility, this is none-the-less an excellent critique of Messianic Judaism written by a former insider.

6. Messianic Christology, by Arnold Fruchtenbaum

Ironically next on my list is this one written by a Messianic Jewish believer. This book deals with messianic prophecies fulfilled by Jesus' first advent. He self-consciencously does not deal with second-coming prophecies (which is good because Fruchtenbaum is a dispensationalist), and shows that only Jesus of Nazareth fulfills the requirements of being Israel's Messiah. Some of the chapters also lay a very solid foundation for the Hebraic basis of Trinitarianism. I highly recommend this one especially for those interested in messianic prophecy.

5. Decision Making and the Will of God, by Gary Friesen

This was another paradigm shattering book for me. Friesen's thesis is that Scripture does not teach that God has an individual will for each believer. That is, I am not necessarily supposed to marry so-and-so or get such-and-such a job. He shows that taken to consistecy, I may have put on the wrong pair of socks this morning! Friesen then suggests that Christians should use wisdom given in Scripture to make life decisions.

4. The Word and Power Church, by Douglas Banister

I stumbled upon this one at my employer's sale rack and grabbed instantly. Banister does a fantastic job showing how both solid exegesis and expository preaching go hand-in-hand with praying for healing and receiving prophetic words. He details his own journey from being a good evangelical pastor to managing charismatic gifts in his church. He also shows how a good word and power church should function living in the tension. His overview of charismatic gifts in church history isn't bad either. Every reformed charismatic guy should read this one.

3. Convergence: Spiritual Journeys of a Charismatic Calvinist, by Sam Storms

This is one in the same vein as Banister's book. I actually met Storms earlier this year and got this one signed. Storms spends the first part of the book detailing his own journey similar to Doug Banister's from a cessationist Bible church pastor to Metro Vineyard staff member, to Wheaton college professor, to president of Enjoying God Ministries. This guy actually rubbed elbows with Mike Bickle, Paul Cain, John Wimber, and others among the Kansas City Prophets and leadership of the Vineyard movement. The second part of the book deals with the divide between word-oriented cessationists and the more experiential Pentecostal/Charismatics. He ably shows how both word and spirit (or word and power) compliment each other. Another classic in the burgeoning Reformed Charismatic world.

2. Abraham's Four Seeds: A Biblical Examination of the Presuppositions of Covenant Theology and Dispensationalism, by John G. Reisinger

This was my introduction to New Covenant Theology and what an intro it was! Reisinger shows how both Dispensationalism and Covenant Theology have hermeneutical starting points that don't mesh with scripture. He capably shows that as he puts it, "The nation of Israel was not the 'Body of Christ,' even though the Body of Christ is indeed the true 'Israel of God.' I believe this is one of the most true statements of theology I've ever read. The only knock on it is that Reisinger spends, in my opinion anyway, too much time defending believer baptism (he is a Baptist, so I guess it's understandable). The other complaint is that I think he spends most of his energy critiquing Covenant Theology and too little on Dispensationalism. Even still though, I think one of his most positive contributions is in the realm of hermeneutics. That is, I think he shows very well that the OT is to be interpreted by the NT. Very good and stimulating reading.

1. Surprised by the Power of the Spirit: Discovering How God Speaks and Heals Today, by Jack Deere

This book is a landmark achievement in articulating a sound exegetical basis for continuationism. As with Banister and Storms, Deere tells his story of going from cessationist to continuationist including a stop at the Vineyard Christian Fellowship of Anaheim with John Wimber. Deere shows how miraculous gifts did not cease with the apostles and that it was not only the apostles who could do miracles. He gives fascinating and emotional anecdotes to compliment his exegesis, which is exemplary. Also, he has some good chapters on cultivating intimacy with God that challenge me even today. Deere is easily one of the most influential figures among evangelical continuationists and reformed charismatics. This book easily deserves to be number one on my list. I would recommend it to anyone!

Well there you have it. These are the books that have been the most influential to me in my Christian life. Other books could have made the list, but I thought ten was a good number. I also have a huge list of books that I have yet to read. Maybe as time goes on, I'll modify my list, but for now, these are the best.

In Christ Jesus,

Friday, November 21, 2008

Core Beliefs, Values, and Priorities

Although this blog has been up for a few months now, I think the time has come for me to finally lay down what this blog is really all about and how I will go about putting forth what I believe to be important.

For those familiar with how the Vineyard works as a church planting movement or those familiar with the life and ministry of John Wimber, Vineyard churches are required while they are being planted to put forth what there particular values, practices, and priorities are and I thought why not do the same for this blog. So without further adieu, here are the things the Vineyard Calvinist is all about.


-Promoting and defending historic evangelical, orthodox, and reformed doctrine and teaching as set forth in the Holy Scriptures and explained in the creeds (Apostle's, Nicene, Chalcedonian, Athanasian), confessions (Westminster, 1st and 2nd London Baptist, Belgic, etc.), councils (Orange), and contemporary statements (Chicago Statement of Biblical Inerrancy) of the Church throughout its history.

-Promoting, explaining, and defending the five "solas" of the Protestant Reformation (Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, Soli Deo Gloria)

-Understanding, promoting, articulating, defending, and applying a consistently reformed soteriology which includes but is not necessarily limited to:

  • the five points of sovereign grace also known as "Calvinism" (Total Depravity, Unconditional Election, Limited Atonement, Irresistable Grace, Perseverence of the Saints).
  • The imputation of the righteousness of Christ to the believer by faith alone.
  • Penal Substitutionary atonement.

-Consistent interpretation of the Old Testament by the New Testament. That is, the Old Testament does not exclusively interpret itself. The New Testament is a "new torah" and is the vehicle which should drive our interpretation and application of the Old Testament. Also, it is now the standard of ethics, law, and conduct for the Christian.

-Biblical Continuationism. That is, I believe that all of the gifts of the Holy Spirit are still being given today and are distributed by the Holy Spirit as He wills. Further, I believe that these gifts will only cease after the return of the Lord Jesus to the earth.

-Power evangelism. The Kingdom of God is here today. Jesus rules today as David's heir. As a result, the Kingdom of God is invading and plundering the Kingdom of Satan. Believers are empowered to teach the words and do the works of Jesus including, but not limited to:

  • Healing the sick
  • Casting out demons
  • Raising the dead

-An emphasis on the local church as the place where most ministry both to the body and to the world should take place. The congregational life of the church is to be one of encouragement, equipping, and sending forth. This also entails a belief in biblical leadership (i.e. eldership, apostleship, etc...)

-Although recognizing that this is a sensitive issue, I believe that biblical eldership and apostleship, and teaching and preaching to the congregation are offices and functions open only to qualified men. Further, it is the role of the husband to lead his family. These in no way, undermine the equality, giftings, and anointings of women in the church.

-Love and worship as a way of life. The Kingdom of God is not exclusively about miracles and mighty works. It is primarily about love, peace, joy, reconciliation, compassion, mercy, grace, goodness, etc. Also, the worship of God is not confined to two hours on a Sunday morning and a mid-week service. It is all of life.

-An understanding and appreciation for church history.

-Promoting all of these things in a spirit of grace, patience, love, and conviction.

-Blogging as much as possible to promote my beliefs and values.
-Standing against error and loving the truth.
-Recognizing that my family, church, and job take higher priority than this blog as much as I enjoy and want to blog.
Well there you have it. Feel free to comment and tell me what you think. Thank you very much.
-Christian Edmiston

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quick Election Day Thoughts

Well I voted today. Although I seriously considered going with a third party candidate, I ended up casting my ballot for John McCain. But my purpose today is not to highlight why I did so, but to share some quick thoughts for this election day. Some of them are obvious, and some not so obvious, but I hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment and agree/disagree. I may expand on one or more of these points later, but time is short today. As a disclaimer, these are my opinions and convictions and are not statements of Christian orthodoxy

-One's political views are not necessarily and indicator of one's standing with God or his/her relationship with Christ and it is not correct to be suspicious of other believers whose political and social views are different from one's own.

-It is possible to be a Christian Democrat and love Jesus, His people, and the world and be a vibrant believer

-Christians are neither commanded to, nor forbidden from engaging in social causes (i.e., pro-life movement, war, the environment, the poor, etc.).

-Regeneration is primary to any meaningful change in any arena, social or otherwise. We should be about preaching the Gospel and discipling first, and about social causes, if desired, second.

-There will be no "golden age". That is, I do not believe in either postmillennialism or neo-latter rain revivalism.

-...[God] does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, "What have You done?" (Daniel 4:35 NKJV)

-Whoever is elected to any office, Christians are obligated to respect, honor, submit to, and pray for those in authority. It is a sin to mock or to verbally or in writing disparage any other human being, but especially those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-4; Romans 13:1-7; James 3:8-12). That however, does not mean we are obligated to agree with them in anything. We can in good conscience disagree with those in authority over us as long as we are full of respect, honor, love, and obedience.

-Civil disobedience is a sin except in cases where obedience to Christ and obedience to authorities are mutually exclusive (Acts 4:18-20).

Well I've got to run and go to work. Blessings.
