Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Quick Election Day Thoughts

Well I voted today. Although I seriously considered going with a third party candidate, I ended up casting my ballot for John McCain. But my purpose today is not to highlight why I did so, but to share some quick thoughts for this election day. Some of them are obvious, and some not so obvious, but I hope you all enjoy and feel free to comment and agree/disagree. I may expand on one or more of these points later, but time is short today. As a disclaimer, these are my opinions and convictions and are not statements of Christian orthodoxy

-One's political views are not necessarily and indicator of one's standing with God or his/her relationship with Christ and it is not correct to be suspicious of other believers whose political and social views are different from one's own.

-It is possible to be a Christian Democrat and love Jesus, His people, and the world and be a vibrant believer

-Christians are neither commanded to, nor forbidden from engaging in social causes (i.e., pro-life movement, war, the environment, the poor, etc.).

-Regeneration is primary to any meaningful change in any arena, social or otherwise. We should be about preaching the Gospel and discipling first, and about social causes, if desired, second.

-There will be no "golden age". That is, I do not believe in either postmillennialism or neo-latter rain revivalism.

-...[God] does according to His will in the army of heaven and among the inhabitants of the earth. No one can restrain His hand or say to Him, "What have You done?" (Daniel 4:35 NKJV)

-Whoever is elected to any office, Christians are obligated to respect, honor, submit to, and pray for those in authority. It is a sin to mock or to verbally or in writing disparage any other human being, but especially those in authority (1 Tim. 2:1-4; Romans 13:1-7; James 3:8-12). That however, does not mean we are obligated to agree with them in anything. We can in good conscience disagree with those in authority over us as long as we are full of respect, honor, love, and obedience.

-Civil disobedience is a sin except in cases where obedience to Christ and obedience to authorities are mutually exclusive (Acts 4:18-20).

Well I've got to run and go to work. Blessings.


1 comment:

Steven O. said...

If I may I just would like to say amen to your post. What you said is so true. I have learned a lot from the Lord through this election. I feel this election is something the Lord used to teach a lot of Christians about His truth.
So many bad things were said about the now president elect by Christians because of fear. We are called to pray for our leaders not criticize them. Anyway there is another reformed brother who has a great post on this issue to. If you would like it is www.blackandreformedministries.com
Sincerely, Steven