Friday, June 27, 2008

Clarifying Remarks on the Lakeland Revival

I was going to post part 2 of my study on David's broken relationships but I felt it would be a good idea instead to clarify and qualify some of my remarks on the revival in Lakeland.

First, I want to say that it is possible that Todd Bentley did not mean to suggest that believers are equal to Jesus in every way. However, I admit this only as a possibility.

Second, I wanted to state whatever Mr. Bentley's doctrine might be and whatever the state of his soul, that does not necessarily have any direct bearing on the actual manifestations happening there. My pastor for instance was healed of a gall bladder condition and I have no reason to think that he is lying to me or misinterpreting what happened.

All this means is that there is the possibility that people are legitimately getting healed and raised from the dead in Lakeland, but then again it's also possible that that is not the case.

Thirdly, I still want to stand by my remarks about the content of Todd Bentley's message that night. It was classic health and wealth. He did say something if I remember correctly wherein he tried to distance himself from it, but I remain unconvinced.

I left that meeting place knowing that in whatever ministry I eventually (Lord willing) fill, I must keep the Gospel in the forefront and pray for the miraculous to manifest itself in conjunction with that.

I still do not support the revival, but hopefully what I have said clarifies a few things.



Darrin Trammell said...

Hey Christian, this is Darrin from Charismatic and Reformed.

I as well do not support the revival, but I am open to the possibility that some individuals may be getting healed.

This begs the question, should we go ahead and support it then?

Well, I did a little study.
There was an individual named Marjoe Gortner, who at one time was the youngest ordained person in the US, at I believe four years of age. He was trained by his parents, both were evangelists, on how to preach, get people to give, and pray for people. During his teenage years his dad up and left the family, and this greatly affected him.

He became an atheists basically, denying everything that was taught him.

Later in the 70's he got a film crew to travel the country with him, while he healed revival crusades. It was a total charade, but it was rather eye opening. Very similar manifestations were going on.

He made a couple of movies n the 70's, but then just kind of fell off the radar.

He is now in his 60's, and was recently interviewed.

He said an amazing thing in this interview, while he was doing these things, holding revival crusades, he didn't believe, yet he knows for a fact that some people were healed during his meetings. He was as lost as lost could be, in fact, considers himself either an atheists or somewhat agnostic, but yet there were a few that were truly touched by the power of God.

You can go to youtube by the way and find some videos of him by the way.

I just wanted to post this story to support one theory I have.

It is not about the leader, whether they are completely true or a charlatan, but people come truly expected to meet with God in some way, and in some cases, they do meet with Him.

I still think we need to check the fruit of the leader (his message, is the gospel preached, etc). And if his fruit doesn't line up with the word, then don't support him.

We should rejoice with those who have truly been touched and healed by God, but also counsel them that it is not about Todd Bentley or others, but it is all about a Sovereign act on God's part and His love for His children.

I just wished that these people came to their churches with the same level of expectancy as they do these revivals and campaigns.

Thanks and God bless.

Caron said...

Ditto on the last post! God may heal in spite of men like Todd Bentley.

You may like this "demo" on this site:

Justin holds seminars refuting movements like this. He spoke at my church and comes highly recommended by my pastor, Dr. John MacArthur.

Justin Peters also just spoke on Al Mohler’s show regarding Lakeland: See July 21…